In 2017, Amanprana was asked by the FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment to become one of the five Belgian pioneering companies that assist them as advisers in the development of digital instruments for all other Belgian companies regarding BeBiodiversiteit .

What is bio-diversity?
The first UN Bio-diversity Convention of Rio De Janeiro (1992) defines bio-diversity as follows:
“Biological diversity is the understanding given to the diversity of life on Earth and the natural patterns that it forms. (…) Biodiversity also includes the genetic differences between species. (…) And another aspect of biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems.”
And that is the problem today: the increasing impact of human activities has led to a dramatic decline in biodiversity. Species disappear more than a thousand times faster today than in the past (millions of) years.
Insect house Local wildflower garden
Rooftop garden for relaxation during breaks. Relaxing workplace on the roof.
Protector of biodiversity.
A company can act protectively in many ways. According to the Belgian government, initiator of #BeBiodiversiteit, a company can take various actions to preserve biodiversity. She sees different options within these four areas:
Business premises
As a company with business premises, you can create a garden focused on local plants and flowers. -
This includes the installation of green rooftops on company buildings. -
All processes within companies that maintain the functioning of ecosystem services, eg water cycle, climate regulation, etc. -
Purchasing policy
For example: purchasing raw materials from suppliers who promote biodiversity or conservation of ecosystems, …)
This is the area where Amanprana is at home. Discover the 11 steps that Amanprana take to work as ecologically, sustainably and ethically as possible.
Amanprana is committed to biodiversity. Of course!
View our corporate film and read more about BeBiodiversity as a priority in ecological, sustainable and ethical business.
It is quite possible to protect biodiversity by adjusting part of your behavior in the areas of food, transport, housing, travel, choice of means of communication and the purchasing of clothing. Need a helping hand to take action? The #BeBiodiversiteit site is full of tips, good ideas and promotions, all equally easy to implement. Do go take a look!
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