Biodiversity is high on the Amanprana agenda. Discover the 11 steps Amanprana takes to work as eco-friendly, sustainable and ethical as possible.

Glass Packaging
At Amanprana we always choose glass over plastic. Glass packaging is not only better for you but also better for the environment.

Durable Labels
Amanprana labels are made from sugar cane fibers. No trees are cut down for this. Only a short adaptation process is needed to turn it into natural and compostable paper.

Organic Glue
To keep our labels on the glass packaging we use organic glue. Moreover, all the paper and cardboard used is FSC certified. Effective and eco-friendly!

At Amanprana we strongly believe in the cradle-to-cradle principle. This means that the waste of one product becomes the raw material for another product.

Amanprana & Fair World
The coconut blossom sugar from Amanprana is Fair World. For this, Amanprana works with Lestari Mandiri and Hivos. Hivos is a humanstic organisation which strives for a fair, sustainable and free world where there are equal opportunities for women.

Amanprana & Fair trade
When you choose Amanprana, you choose to give equal opportunities to local populations. Although we are not perfect, we try to move in the right direction as much as possible. Wherever possible, we try to purchase all our raw materials in an ethical (Fair Trade) way.
Do you want to know more about Amanprana’s Fair World and Fair Trade? Read more.

Buy 1 litre Red Palm oil = Save 1 rainforest tree
For every jar of Amanprana Red Palm Oil sold, one tree is purchased in an endangered tropical rainforest in Colombia. Since the start of this project, Amanprana has already bought 43 hectares of rainforest.
Save the rainforest and biodiversity in Colombia
Amanprana supports, through the World Land Trust, the Colombian environmental organisation ProAves. ProAves protects the habitat of birds and amphibians that are endangered of becoming extinct.
Support human rights in Colombia
Red palm oil from Amanprana comes from families of small-scale colombian palm growers in the region of Magdalena and Bolivar. They received a bio certificate partly thanks to Amanprana’s request. The small-scale ‘Alliances for peace’ are models for the economic development of poor communities.
Read more about Amanprana’s Red Palm oil.

The Amanprana EcoRespekt Bottle
At Amanprana we like to pay extra attention to clean oceans and coasts, for us and for our children. For this reason Amanprana created a re-usable glass bottle, the EcoRespekt bottle. This is our way of decreasing the amounts of plastic bottles that end up in the oceans.
- Dish-washer safe
- With vortex (spiral) as a symbol of the vitality of water
- In a cover of recycled material
- 100% of the proceeds from the EcoRespekt bottle go to our ‘Save the Sea’ campaigns
- Also 5% of Amanpran’s (Noble-House NV) profits go to Save the Sea campaigns.
Read more about Amanprana’s Save the Sea promotions.

Matcha from Amanprana
Thanks to Amanprana’s Kotobuki Matcha, mangrove trees are being planted in Thailand and Indonesia. Amanprana’s Kotobuki Matcha is grown by Aiya. Amanprana considers Aiya to be the best producer of organic ceremonial tea in Japan.
Aside from creating the best quality Matcha, Aiya is also strongly in touch with the planet and tries to make a contribution to it. For example, the company regularly dispatches its staff for two weeks of voluntary work, planting mangrove trees together with locals. This means an immediate contribution to the mangrove population, with more than 50,000 mangrove trees already planted in south-east Asia. The company generally sends out 40 to 60 people at a time.

The Amanprana offices are completely sustainable and environmentally sound. This is because when we built our offices we only used sustainable and environmentally sound materials. FSC-certified wood was used for the floors, walls and frame, while the offices also run completely on renewable energy generated by solar panels and other means.

All work wear at Amanprana is made from organic cotton. The warehouse and production staff also wear leather shoes. The cotton is organic, the ink is water-based, the manufacturer uses solar energy and the clothing is certified by a range of bodies:
- GOTS: the GOTS label is an international label for organic textiles. This certification means that production was environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
- OEKOTEX 100: an international label for textiles that means the end product contains no harmful substances.
- EU Ecolabel: a European label designated for ecological products. The label is awarded if the production process is environmentally friendly.
- Max Havelaar: a label for fair trade that guarantees good working conditions for farmers and also entails a series of environmental criteria. This label means the clothes are fair trade clothes.
If you also want to wear organic and fair trade clothing, then check out Amanprana’s own range of organic cotton.
Next week you will read how you and I can do our bit for biodiversity. Each in our own way.
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