Ingredients for coconut muffins
- Fruit of your choice (baked banana, apple, poached pear, fresh blueberries…)
- 250 g buckwheat meal
- 2 eggs
- 150 ml almond milk
- 75 g Amanprana Gula Java coconut blossom sugar
- 100 g melted butter 6
- 2.5 tsp baking powder
- 2 tsp shredded coconut
- Greek yoghurt
- agave
Preparation of coconut muffins
- Place some fruit on the bottom of the muffin cups.
- Mix the other ingredients and divide them among the muffin cups.
- Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in the oven at 180°C.
Tip from Martine:
Delicious when straight out of the oven, especially with a spoon of Greek yoghurt and some agave drizzled over it. You can easily store them in the fridge. BUCKWHEAT:
- Seed which you can easily sprout yourself. You can use the sprouts in salads or to garnish your dishes.
- Gluten-free.
- A good source of iron and magnesium, as well as protein, fibres and starch.
- A good source of the cancer-inhibiting compound rutin.
- Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure as well as strengthening the arteries.