
Amanprana's organic wheat and spelt germ are a source of fiber

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Want to buy wheat and spelt germ from Amanprana?

Our products are sold in health food stores
or can be ordered via our official webshop amanvida.eu

Raw wheat germ - 200gr.: € 7,50 - € 8,60 *

Spelt germ - 200gr.: € 8,95 - € 10,50 *

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*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

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Wheat germ is the essence of the wheat grain. It is a storage place for fibers, vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega-3/6/9 and many other good nutrients and antioxidants such as lecithin and 800 mg alpha lipoic acid per 100 g. At Amanprana the wheat germ is not a waste product, but the main product! Amanprana wheat germ IS the only wheat germ that can be marketed raw. This is because wheat germ is a waste product in most companies/processes, which means that hygiene is not handled properly. With us, the germ is the main product on the production line, which means that all attention is paid to this and there is strict hygiene control

Why choose Amanprana organic wheat germ?

  • Organic
  • High ORAC values ​​(antioxidants)
  • Amanprana’s wheat germ comes from the Swiss Alps. Very unique.
  • Only raw wheat germ in the market
  • Main product and not a waste product

How to use this fiber source

  • Makes a good (breakfast) porridge or barbeque “pap”.
  • Use it as a topping for your yogurt
  • Bake a bread using it in combination with coconut flour
  • Combine with oats to make oats porridge
  • Mix it into your muesli
  • Replace some of the flour in, for example, cake or quiche by germ.
  • Use it in your smoothies
  • Add to your favorite soup
  • Use it in your pancakes, waffles and omelettes.
  • Mix some into your lunch salad. It is very tasty when combined with mustard
  • Mix it into your spreads, dips and sauces
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View our range of wheat and spelt germ

Raw wheat germ

Spermidine 33.4mg/100g.
Amanprana’s raw wheat germ is raw and unprocessed.

  • Organic
  • 100% nature
  • 100% active enzymes
  • Rich in vitamin E
  • Rich in alpha lipoic acid
  • More antioxidants (ORAC 13,800) than fruits and vegetables (see label)
  • Many minerals and vitamins (see label)
  • Lots of life force

100% organic wheat germ

EAN code: 5425013649087 (200gr.)

View label


€ 7,50 - € 8,60 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Spelt germ

Amanprana spelt germ is raw. During the whole production process, it is never heated to above 45°C. As a result, all active nutrients are preserved and the germs and bran still full of vitality.

  • Sprinkle the spelt germs over your yogurt or muesli or add it to your smoothie for extra fiber

100% organic wheat germ

EAN code: 5425013648967 (200gr.)

View label


€ 8,95 - € 10,50 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Reviews on Amanprana wheat and spelt germ

Roel Smet

runner, Turnhout

A fifth place in Dwars door Turnhout this year. The feeling during the run was great.
A good mix of gula java and wheat germ from Amanprana and a t-shirt that radiates serene running power could be responsible for this…

Sandra Maes

raw food chef, owner of hookedbyuncooked.com, Antwerp

Since 2013, the wonderful world of Raw Food has crossed my path and my life has undergone a complete metamorphosis. It was love at first sight: immediately inspired, passionate and motivated to delve further into this! Now, two years later, I am a trained Raw Food Chef & Coach, and founder of Hooked by Uncooked .

The raw vegan lifestyle means using all ingredients in their natural state. Nothing heated or processed, no intake of animal products and the avoidance of gluten, lactose and refined sugars.

In short: the absorption of pure, essential nutrients that our bodies need for optimal growth and health. Since all food is used “raw”, you create awareness of the quality and taste of the product. It was searching here, trying out there, … until I came into contact with Amanprana products: what a gift from heaven!

The quality of their products is fantastic. From coconut blossom sugar, omega oil, energy drinks to coconut oil, red palm oil, wheat germ and walnut oil: I am all in love with them.

Coconut oil is my ideal partner: daily body lotion, oral oral intake for optimal health and the weekly function as a hair mask for the perfect nutrition!

Believe me: once you choose Amanprana, you will not deviate from this decision.

Investing in your health is investing in yourself. Let food be your medicine!

Angela Hering

nutritionist, www.nutrisurya.com, Beilstein, Germany

Thanks for the wheat germ. The taste is delicious. I will be using this in my cooking classes. I also find the coconut blossom sugar very special.

Amanprana recipes with wheat and spelt germ

Green smoothie with matcha, raw cocoa and wheat germ Kofta balls Vitality drink with hemp oil and wheatgerm

A selection from our range

Our products are organic, vegetarian, processed as little as possible and where possible fair trade and fair world. Manufactured with respect for people, animals and the earth. At Amanprana, we believe in the whole and not in the individual particles.

Sustainable packaging from Amanprana

At Amanprana we believe in the whole, so with the packaging material we also take the environment into account as much as possible. Compostable, resealable packaging with zip closure. A compostable resealable bag with organic-zip closure protects the almond flour from oxygen and light. The outside is plastic-free, made of alternative paper from leaves and stems. The zip closure and inside of the bag are industrially compostable!

The outside of the coconut flour packaging material is made from FSC kraft paper. The FSC (Forest Steward Council) promotes sustainable forest management: for every tree felled, another tree is planted. The inside is made of cellulose. These are fibers from plants and trees.

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Amanprana sets the bar high when it comes to high quality ingredients.
Amanprana goes for quality! Read more about our organic certificates.

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