
Gula Java Instant Powdered Performance Drink is Ideal to Use As a Natural and Organic Sports or Energy Drink

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Want to buy organic sports drinks from Amanprana?

Our products are sold in health food stores
or can be ordered via our official webshop amanvida.eu

Cacao Matcha & Café - 230g = 76 : € 26,50 - € 30,50 *

Cacao & Café Ethiopia - 230g = 76 : € 17,95 - € 20,65 *

Matcha Kotobuki with coconut blossom sugar - 230g = 76 : € 37,50 - € 43,20 *

Cacao Kids & Sports - 230g = 76 : € 12,60 - € 14,50 *

Cacao Kids & Sports - 390g = 130 : € 17,95 - € 20,65 *

Gula Java Cacao & Gula Java Cacao + Vit D - 1300g = 433 : € 51,95 - € 59,75 *

Gula Java Cacao & Gula Java Cacao + Vit D - 390g = 130 : € 19,95 - € 22,95 *

Gula Java Matcha & Gula Java Matcha + Vit D - 400g = 130 : € 59,95 - € 68,95 *

Gula Java Matcha & Gula Java Matcha + Vit D - (vit. D) 400g = 130 : € 63,95 - € 73,95 *

Saffraan & Vanille - 230g = 76 : € 26,95 - € 31,00 *

Gula Java Rooibos - 390g = 130 : € 42,95 - € 49,50 *

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Need fast energy that lasts for a long time? The carbohydrates in the new Amanprana drinks provide long-lasting energy. The proteins provide optimal muscle recovery and muscle building. Coconut blossom sugar in the latest generation of sports and performance drinks ensures a low glycemic index. Amanprana sports and performance drinks are the perfect basis for natural hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic sports drinks. The sports drinks from Amanprana aren’t just for before, during or after exercising. They can be used at any moment of the day when you have to perform physically or mentally, for young and old. The sports drinks charge your batteries and provide pure enjoyment.

Why Choose for the Amanprana Sports Drinks?

  • 100% natural
  • 100% organic
  • Low Glycemic Index (GI 35)
  • No refined sugars and no artificial sweeteners
  • Fair Trade & Fair World
  • Delicious new generation sports drink
  • Pure nature, free of additives
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • High ORAC value
  • Gula Java coconut blossom sugar as base ingredients

How to Prepare the Amanprana Gula Java (Sports) Drinks?

The sports and energy drinks can be prepared with milk, water, grain drinks and fruit juices. You can drink the warm, lukewarm or cold. Simple to use: Add x grams of the Amanprana sport drink powder (as much as you wish) to your drinking bottle, glass or cup. Add water, milk, grain drinks or fruit juice. Below you can see the recommended grams per 100ml and per goal.

Belangrijkste doeldorstlesserdorstlesser en energiebronenergiebron
Gula Java cacaomax 5g/100mlmax 10g/100ml min 13g/100ml
Gula Java earl greymax 6g/100mlmax 12g/100mlmin 15g/100ml
Gula Java rooibosmax 5g/100mlmax 10g/100ml min 13g/100ml
Gula Java matchamax 5g/100mlmax 10g/100ml min 13g/100ml
Gula Java safranmax 4g/100mlmax 8g/100mlmin 11g/100ml

Add Salt?

With little sweating or with shorter performances, this is not necessary. For endurance sports and intensive sweating it is recommended to add a little bit of salt. Calculate 50 to 100 mg / 100 ml (0.05 to 0.1 g). That is very little. We recommend using fleur de sel, unrefined sea salt or crushed seaweeds.


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View our range of organic sports drinks

Cacao Matcha & Café

Instant Energy with Amanprana’s Cacao Matcha & Café.

Exercising, studying, working, playing, performing, concentrating.

  • Enriched with Guarana for extra wings
  • Matcha for concentration
  • Ethiopia coffee boost

63% coconut blossom sugar*, 20% cocoa powder*, 10% matcha*, 5% Ethiopia coffee*, 1% salt, 0,5% guarana*, 0,5% cinnamon*. *=Certified organic

EAN code: 5425013649209 (230g = 76 )


230g = 76 :
€ 26,50 - € 30,50 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Cacao & Café Ethiopia

Want to stay awake and alert? Pure chocolate, coffee and guarana.

  • In the form of powder
  • Heavenly combination of pure chocolate and Ethiopia coffee

44% coconut blossom sugar*, 26% pieces of dark chocolate* (45% cocoa mass, 23% coconut blossom sugar, 19% cocoa butter, 13% cocoa powder), 20% cocoa powder*, 8% Ethiopia coffee*, 1% salt, 0,5% guarana*, 0,5% kaneel*.*=Certified Organic

EAN code: 5425013649124 (230g = 76 )

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230g = 76 :
€ 17,95 - € 20,65 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Matcha Kotobuki with coconut blossom sugar

For energy and maximum concentration.

  • Premium Kotobuki Matcha for most antioxidants, chlorophyll, catechins and EGCG
  • Premium Kotobuki Matcha for the soft umami taste

80% coconut blossom sugar*, 20% Kotobuki Matcha*.*=Certified Organic

EAN code: 5425013649001 (230g = 76 )

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230g = 76 :
€ 37,50 - € 43,20 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Cacao Kids & Sports

Sports, studying, working, playing, performing and concentrating.

  • Instant and long-lasting energy
  • To make healthy hot or cold chocolate milk for young and slightly older

74% coconut blossom sugar*, 25% low-fat cacao powder*, 0,9% cinnamon*, 0,1% vanilla*. *=Organic

EAN code: 5425013649261 (230g = 76 )
EAN code: 5425013642859 (390g = 130 )

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230g = 76 :
€ 12,60 - € 14,50 *

390g = 130 :
€ 17,95 - € 20,65 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Gula Java Cacao & Gula Java Cacao + Vit D

The instant powdered performance drink Gula Java Cacao (+ vitamin D) Coconut blossom sugar cocoa fantasy; to let you enjoy her sweetness and soft cocoa & caramel taste at any time of the day. Add 1 heaping tablespoon (15g) of Gula Java Cocoa to 1 cup of milk or cereal, hot or cold. For hot or cold chocolate drinks. Also in a variant with extra vitamin D.

Gula Java Cacao 78,5% unrefined coconut blossom sugar, 20% skim cocoa powder,  1% vanilla, 0,5% cinnamon, 390g, Bovis 9.500, Yin 30, GI 30, ORAC 19.152/100g Gula Java Cacao + Vit D 78,2% coconut blossom sugar, 20% skim cocoa powder, 1% vanilla, 0,5% cinnamon, 0,3% dried Agaricus mushroom, 390g, Bovis 9.500, Yin 30, GI 30, ORAC 19.152/100g

EAN code: 5425013642880 (1300g = 433 )
EAN code: 5425013647755 (390g = 130 )

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1300g = 433 :
€ 51,95 - € 59,75 *

390g = 130 :
€ 19,95 - € 22,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Gula Java Matcha & Gula Java Matcha + Vit D

Nutritional specialists at Amanprana combined Gula Java coconut blossom sugar with matcha. Matcha is a Japanese ceremonial green tea. Amanprana chooses Kotobuki quality for their matcha. This is praised by connoisseurs for its pure flavour and high nutritional value (see label.) Your daily dose of antioxidants ORAC 35,460 per 100g is in 1 cup of Gula Java Matcha. Also available in a variant with extra vitamin D.

Gula Java Matcha 80% coconut blossom sugar, 20% Kotobuki Matcha, 400g, Bovis 10.500, Yin 20, GI 30, ORAC 35.460/100g Gula Java Matcha + Vit D 79,7% coconut blossom sugar, 20% Kotobuki Matcha, 0,3% dried Agaricus mushroom, 400g, Bo­vis 10.500, Yin 20, GI 30, ORAC 35.460/100g

EAN code: 5425013643696 (400g = 130 )
EAN code: 5425013647731 ((vit. D) 400g = 130 )

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400g = 130 :
€ 59,95 - € 68,95 *

(vit. D) 400g = 130 :
€ 63,95 - € 73,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Saffraan & Vanille

The combination of the organic Gula Java coconut blossom sugar makes the Gula Java Safran the perfect sports drink. Read all about the origin of Amanprana’s saffron.

94,5% coconut blossom sugar*, 5% Gula Java Cacao* (79% coconut blossom sugar*, 20% low-fat cacao*, 0,5% vanilla* en 0,5% cinnamon*), 0,5% saffron*. *=Bio

EAN code: 5425013649650 (230g = 76 )

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230g = 76 :
€ 26,95 - € 31,00 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Gula Java Rooibos

The Gula Java instant powdered sports drink Rooibos with organic coconut blossom sugar is a (sports) drink without caffeine. The rooibos from Amanprana is carefully selected and is certified organic as well as Fair World. The rooibos is ground so that you drink the whole leaf, including all of its natural benefits.

80% coconut blossom sugar1,2, 20% ground Kotobuki Rooibos tea1 from South Africa, 390g, Bovis 9.500, -30 Yin, GI 30, Orac 17.740/100g 1 Certified Organic, 2 Fair World, 3 Fair Trade

EAN code: 5425013644075 (390g = 130 )

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390g = 130 :
€ 42,95 - € 49,50 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Reviews on Amanprana organic sports drinks

Dear De Jonghe

Customer Natuurhuis Antwerp

Thanks to Gula Java Matcha, I no longer have an appetite between meals and I continue to have more energy without any problems.”

Kristel X.

saleswoman at Bioshop health

I discovered Gula Java Safran during a tasting session. I had just given birth and was suffering from postpartum depression. I noticed that saffron is a natural antidepressant, and after a month I felt better and more positive. By then my jar was empty and I immediately bought a fresh one.

Sandra Maes

raw food chef, owner of hookedbyuncooked.com, Antwerp

Since 2013, the wonderful world of Raw Food has crossed my path and my life has undergone a complete metamorphosis. It was love at first sight: immediately inspired, passionate and motivated to delve further into this! Now, two years later, I am a trained Raw Food Chef & Coach, and founder of Hooked by Uncooked .

The raw vegan lifestyle means using all ingredients in their natural state. Nothing heated or processed, no intake of animal products and the avoidance of gluten, lactose and refined sugars.

In short: the absorption of pure, essential nutrients that our bodies need for optimal growth and health. Since all food is used “raw”, you create awareness of the quality and taste of the product. It was searching here, trying out there, … until I came into contact with Amanprana products: what a gift from heaven!

The quality of their products is fantastic. From coconut blossom sugar, omega oil, energy drinks to coconut oil, red palm oil, wheat germ and walnut oil: I am all in love with them.

Coconut oil is my ideal partner: daily body lotion, oral oral intake for optimal health and the weekly function as a hair mask for the perfect nutrition!

Believe me: once you choose Amanprana, you will not deviate from this decision.

Investing in your health is investing in yourself. Let food be your medicine!

Amanprana recipes with organic sports drinks

Vegan chocolate mousse Gluten-free almond flour porridge with cacao. Bajigur: Indonesian coffee

Video: Running or Endurance Sports?

Choose Amanprana's Chocolate Milk

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A selection from our range

Our products are organic, vegetarian, processed as little as possible and where possible fair trade and fair world. Manufactured with respect for people, animals and the earth. At Amanprana, we believe in the whole and not in the individual particles.

Sustainable packaging from Amanprana

Amanprana chooses to use glass packaging. This is not only better for the environment, but also better for the taste and your health. Glass is an impermeable substance. This means the chance of something into your food from the outside is therefore nil. In addition, glass also contains no substances that can end up in your product. Glass is 100% natural and therefore does not contain any BPA (Bisphenol-A).

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Quality & Origin of Coconut Blossom Sugar

Gula Java is coconut blossom sugar from Java. The sweet nectar of the coconut blossom is treasured, harvested by tappers high in the coconut trees. Above the wood fire in the boiler, the nectar slowly turns into a delicious, unrefined rich sugar.

Coconut blossom sugar FAIRTRADE CERTIFIED

The coconut blossom sugar used in Amanprana’s organic sports drinks is Fairtrade certified.

The coconut blossom sugar used in Amanprana’s sports drinks is Fairtrade certified.

Amanprana sets the bar high when it comes to high quality ingredients.
Amanprana goes for quality! Read more about our organic certificates.

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