
Imperial Kotobuki Matcha from Amanprana is the Highest Quality Matcha

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Want to buy matcha tea from Amanprana?

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Kotobuki Matcha - 40gr. = 40 : € 29,95 - € 32,00 *

Kotobuki Rooibos - 40gr.: € 39,95 - € 45,95 *

Matcha & Whisk - Kotobuki Matcha 40gr.: € 49,95 - € 57,95 *

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Kotobuki means ‘long life’ and for connoisseurs a better quality than extra premium matcha.

For our matcha, Amanprana consciously chooses for the best balance of quality, flavour and nutritional value. We follow Hippocrates’ principle ‘Let food be your medicine and your medicine your food.”

The organic tea from Amanprana is available in two varieties, namely Matcha (Japanese green tea) and Rooibos. The tea is made from the whole, the youngest and finest leaves of the Camelia sinensis from Japan (Matcha) and the Aspalathus Linearis from South Africa (Rooibos). The veins are expertly removed and the leaves are slowly ground on granite mills into an ultrafine tea powder. This process only yields 40g per hour, while maintaining quality, flavour and nutritional value.

The ground leaves of these teas are powerful foods. The level of antioxidants, expressed in ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), is extraordinarily high.

6 Strong Assets of the Amanprana Kotobuki Tea for Quality, Flavour and & Antioxidants

  1. Packed carefully in a black-violet glass jar to preserve the top quality for a long time.
  2. Only a small group of elite Japanese tea farmers are able to produce the high quality Kotobuki and its unique blend to the most strict standards of the Japanese Amanprana matcha sommelier.
  3. Matcha was the favourite meditation drink of the Samurais and is the highest quality tea presented during traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.
  4. Organic matcha is ground finely (40g per hour) on handmade granite mills.
  5. Kotobuki Matcha contains the most antioxidants of all matchas (168,500 orac units per 100g) and the highest content of catechins (12,200 mg / 100g).
  6. Kotobuki Matcha is not the same as green tea. Kotobuki Matcha contains 137 times more EGCG (an important catechin) than a green tea bag and at least 10 times more nutrients.

137 Times More EGCG-catechins in Kotobuki Matcha Than in Green Tea

With modern green tea, 85% of the nutrients remain in the tea bag. This is not the case with Amanprana’s traditional Kotobuki teas, as you drink the entire tea leaf. This is what makes imperial Kotobuki much more healthier than regular green tea. You drink a multiple of the nutrients and you drink the whole leaf (holistic consumption). Because we also strive for the highest quality, the taste of these teas are sublime.

How to use Amanprana organic matcha?

You can use the organic matcha to make tea, but combined with cold water, warm milk or cereal drink, this healthy tea is also very tasty.

Prepare the Kotobuki Matcha yourself by adding half a teaspoon Kotobuki Matcha to a matcha bowl and adding almost boiling water (80°C), until the bowl is filled halfway.
Then use the handmade bamboo whisk to loosen the matcha lumps. Stir in an eight-shape, symbol of infinity, or move the whisk from left to right (do not stir around). Keep repeating this mindfully until a soft frothy grass-green drink emerges without a single lump.

Click here for a comprehensive guide to brewing matcha.
Click here for more inspiration in the kitchen

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View our range of matcha tea

Kotobuki Matcha

Organic Matcha – green tea from Japan

Amanprana matcha is made of the whole, the youngest and finest tea leaves of the Camelia Sinensis from Japan. Matcha is dark green tea and has a sweet flavour with a soft aftertaste.

Amanprana’s Matcha is certified organic and comes from the Shimoyama region in Japan. Kotobuki Matcha tea is harvested at a height of 600 m, far away from industrial regions or cities, in the middle of the mountains.

100% Matcha Kotobuki (Japan)

EAN code: 5412339260126 (40gr. = 40 )

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40gr. = 40 :
€ 29,95 - € 32,00 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Kotobuki Rooibos

Organic Rooibos – tea from South Africa

The organic Rooibos tea from Amanprana is made from the whole, youngest and finest tea leaves from the Aspalathus linearis from South Africa. Rooibos from Amanprana originates from 200 African Clanwilliam farmers from the Cederberg region, 200 km from Cape Town. Amanprana Rooibos is carefully selected according to fragrance, length, colour, flavour and nutritional value.

Rooibos is more hydrating and naturally sweeter than green or black tea.
Our Rooibos is certified organic and is ideal before going to bed and for children.

100% Kotobuki Rooibos tea from South Africa

EAN code: 5425013644013 (40gr.)


€ 39,95 - € 45,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Matcha & Whisk

Whisk (Bamboo Beater) Now for FREE With a Purchase of Matcha

How to prepare Matcha?

  1. Add half a teaspoon Kotobuki Matcha to a matcha bowl and add almost boiling water (80°C) until the bowl is filled halfway.
  2. With the handmade bamboo whisk, whisk the mixture until it’s lump-free.
  3. Whisk in an ‘8-figure’ pattern, the symbol of eternity, or move the whisk from left to right (don’t stir in a circle). Repeat mindfully until a soft and frothy layer appears.
  4. A real matcha bowl has a wide opening to make whisking easier.
  5. 1 g per portion, 50 portions per bottle. The Kotobuki Matcha is quite pricey, but cheaper than you think

100% Matcha Kotobuki (Japan)

EAN code: 5425013648899 (Kotobuki Matcha 40gr.)


Kotobuki Matcha 40gr.:
€ 49,95 - € 57,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Reviews on Amanprana matcha tea

Lisa burke

Graduated tea sommelier, Birmingham, England

Kotobuki are a feast for the body. I use all three: Matcha for focus, Earl Gray for flavor, and Rooibos in the evening. They are of the highest quality. I know because I’ve been looking for the best matcha for years. The color of Kotobuki matcha is a more pronounced green, its taste is sweeter, its smell more sublime and its nutritional value higher.

Ann Van Steenkiste

tea sommelier

Almost all commercial tea is sprayed with a cocktail of 33 different types of pesticides, 68% of which are not allowed on tea. Imagine that. There are only two brands of tea that I recommend because they contain no pesticides at all and that is Amanprana because it all fits and that is Oxfam. I can’t stand the rest. Many people drink tea for their health, but they are busy with big shit.

Rebecca Leffler

author, journalist &consultant about healthy food & lifestyle, Long time fan of the Amanprana products, New York, USA

I also brought a sampling of some of my favorite (top secret) (but not anymore) ingredients from Europe – Amanpana’s hot cocoa mix and matcha blend, gula java coconut sugar and my favorite spice blend on planet earth, their ORAC-botanico mix that adds the most incredible flavor and boost of nutrition to every dish imaginable.

Amanprana recipes with matcha tea

Ginger tea with cinnamon Detox matcha drink Matcha latte drink

A selection from our range

Our products are organic, vegetarian, processed as little as possible and where possible fair trade and fair world. Manufactured with respect for people, animals and the earth. At Amanprana, we believe in the whole and not in the individual particles.

Sustainable packaging from Amanprana

Violet glass protects the precious tea. Sunlight consists of visible light (rainbow spectrum) and invisible light (ultraviolet UV-A and infrared). In visible light, the tea loses its quality and healing properties. Violet glass offers the solution: it lets invisible light through and completely blocks visible light. Brown glass and plastic cannot do that. Violet glass is better for the quality, taste and smell. Better for your health, beauty and wellness.

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Recognise Quality Matcha

Sold as cheaper matcha, but is not matcha. It’s a bitter by-product of green tea.

Amanprana’s Kotobuki Matcha has a fresh grass green colour. Ground ultrafine, balanced, with a chlorophyll-rich fragrance and a soft umami flavour.

The much sold pale green matcha. Cheaper, lesser quality and bitter. Contains less chlorophyll, antioxidants, catechins and EGCG.

Time in the Shade

Matcha is made from shaded green tea plants. The last 4 weeks before the harvest, large canvases cover the tea plants to influence the process of photosynthesis. Because the plants are exposed to less sunlight, they make more chlorophyll as a survival mechanism. Because chlorophyll is oxygen. As a result, the tea leaves become even greener, which leads to the deep bright green and chrolophyll-rich tea powder we love.

More information about matcha tea

What is Matcha? How to make matcha

Amanprana sets the bar high when it comes to high quality ingredients.
Amanprana goes for quality! Read more about our organic certificates.

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