
Plant-Based COP Oil from Amanprana is a Mix of Sustainable Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Red Palm Oil.

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Want to buy cocos, olive and red palm oil from Amanprana?

Our products are sold in health food stores
or can be ordered via our official webshop amanvida.eu

Extra vierge Cocos+Olive+Palm oil - 325 ml.: € 12,95 - € 14,90 *

Extra vierge Cocos+Olive+Palm oil - 1600 ml.: € 49,95 - € 57,45 *

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*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

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The 100% certified organic Amanprana mix of coconut oil, oive oil and red palm oil offers the best of three worlds:

  1. Fair Trade coconut oil: our delicious extra virgin coconut oil with a soft coconut flavour, originating from Sri Lanka
  2. Extra virgin olive oil: our Verde Salud olive oil of highest quality, originating from Spain
  3. Sustainable red palm oil: unrefined sustainable red palm oil from Colombia

These three ingredients make our Amanprana Cocos+Olive+Red Palm (COP) a very versatile product. This mix of sustainable plant-based oils has been named the first extra virgin and cold-pressed margarine. Spreadable right out the refrigerator. Bake with this mix and enjoy a soft neutral flavour. Or use as body care, as a massage oil by itself or as a massage oil together with essential oils.

Why Choose for Amanprana’s Cocos + Olive + Red Palm Oil?

  • Certified Organic
  • Sustainable
  • Spreadable straight out of the fridge
  • Soft flavour
  • The best of 3 worlds: coconut oil, olive oil and red palm oil
  • Packaged in glass
  • 0% trans fat
  • 0% refined
  • 0% deodorised
  • Vitamin E: 7mg per 100g 58% of the Recommended Daily Allowance

How To Use This Mix of Coconut, Olive and Red Palm Oil?

Our Cocos + Olive + Red Palm Oil is very versatile in the kitchen. Use it to bake, roast, wok or to spread as margarine on bread.

Replace your usual fat or oil with the Amanprana Cocos + Olive + Red Palm Oil. A nice bonus: you can even use our mix of coconut oil, olive oil and red palm oil as natural body and skin care!

Baking, Roasting and Wokking with Amanprana Mix of Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Red Palm Oil

Do you want to use our Cocos + Olive + Red Palm to bake? The oil mix can be heated up to 200°C. However, in general, it is better to not heat your food above 170°C to 180°C to retain its nutrients.

Amanprana Mix of Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Red Palm Oil as Natural Margarine

Cocos+Olive+Red Palm is spreadable straight out the fridge and is delicious on bread or toast. With the Amanprana Cocos + Olive + Red Palm you get the best of 3 worlds.

Biggest plus this product is extra virgin and completely unrefined. Pure nature. Something you can’t say about any margarine.

Using Cocos + Olive + Red Palm as Natural Skin Care?

You can use our mix of coconut oil, olive oil and red palm oil as a ‘body lotion’ as well. It is also an ideal massage oil. Use by itself or mix with essential oils to massage. After showering, use this mix as boddy lotion. Perfect for when you have dry skin and leaves a thin layer of protection on top of the skin.

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View our range of cocos, olive and red palm oil

Extra vierge Cocos+Olive+Palm oil

  • 100% organic
  • 100% natural
  • 100% vegetable
  • Rich in vitamin E
  • Can be spread directly from the refrigerator
  • All good properties of coconut oil

50% extra virgin+ coconut oil*, 40% olive oil*, 10% red palm oil*

EAN code: 5425013641517 (325 ml.)
EAN code: 5425013641777 (1600 ml.)

View label


325 ml.:
€ 12,95 - € 14,90 *

1600 ml.:
€ 49,95 - € 57,45 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Reviews on Amanprana cocos, olive and red palm oil

Cobi Van Rossum

from Dordrecht

For years I suffered from all kinds of joint infections (ankle, elbow, shoulder, wrist). At the health food store they recommended colloidal silver to me, but that didn’t help me. When I later replaced the butter on my bread with coconut-olive-red palm, I came into contact with Amanprana products. So in November 2012, I also started using Amanprana’s Eicosan Perilla, 1 tablespoon in the morning. I was super surprised that my joint complaints went away. I have continued to use the oil and it is now June 2013 and I have not noticed anything anymore, so it must be from the Amanprana oil. I am very grateful to you.

Marijke Helwegen

media personality, Baarn, Netherlands

Bart, my skin is very beautiful, I’m sorry to say that but I am approached by many people who meet me, both professionally and privately. This is due to the Amanprana products, the different oils, but also the tea, omega and skin oils. The mouth oil also means a lot to my health, food gets under those jackets much faster than under real teeth and because of the mouth oil I can keep this well. I am so happy with it and feel many times better than years ago! Thank you very much Bart and have a nice day.


blogger about healthy food, in a review on her site beauz.nl

The product is easy and immediately spreadable, it tastes a bit like coconut, but this is not overpowering. Baking and stir-frying is also fine and of course without splashing

Amanprana recipes with cocos, olive and red palm oil

Stew with spelled seitan Vegan seitan stew with brown beer and plums Spelt spaghetti

A selection from our range

Our products are organic, vegetarian, processed as little as possible and where possible fair trade and fair world. Manufactured with respect for people, animals and the earth. At Amanprana, we believe in the whole and not in the individual particles.

Sustainable packaging from Amanprana

Amanprana chooses to use glass packaging. This is not only better for the environment, but also better for the taste and your health. Glass is an impermeable substance. This means the chance of something into your food from the outside is therefore nil. In addition, glass also contains no substances that can end up in your product. Glass is 100% natural and therefore does not contain any BPA (Bisphenol-A).

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Video: How To Use

Amanprana kokosolie als natuurlijk bio lichaamsverzorging, voor haar en huid en als massage olie.
Waarom zitten er in extra vierge kokosolie zo veel meer nutriënten?
De ÉCHTE voordelen van FairTrade kokosolie. Biologisch en extra vierge van Amanprana.
Martine Prenen over olietrekken met Amanprana kokosolie

COP 3x healthier than just coconut oil

IngredientsCoconut oilCoconut, olive and red palm oil
Rich in omega 9NOYES, through the olive oil
Rich in chlorophyllNOYES, through the olive oil
Rich in polyphenolsNOYES, through the olive oil
Rich in vitamin ENOYes, because of the red palm oil
Rich in carotenesNOYes, because of the red palm oil
Fridge-spreadableNOYes, because of the red palm oil

Amanprana sets the bar high when it comes to high quality ingredients.
Amanprana goes for quality! Read more about our organic certificates.

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