
Oil pulling with Amanprana mouth oil to ancient Ayurvedic use for good oral hygiene.

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Want to buy mouth oil from Amanprana?

Our products are sold in health food stores
or can be ordered via our official webshop amanvida.eu

Mouth oil Foeniculum - 200ml: € 34,50 *

Mouth oil Menta - 200ml: € 34,50 *

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Oil pulling is a 2000 year old Ayurvedic technique to purify the body and clean the mouth. Daily use of the Amanprana mouth oil contributes to good oral hygiene.

The Amanprana mouth oil based on vegetable oil and natural oil extracts.

100% organic, 100% natural, 100% active and 0% chemical.

The basis of a healthy mouth is good oral hygiene. When brushing teeth, only 60% of your tooth surface is reached and 10% of your entire oral cavity. When you rinse your mouth with mouth oil, you almost reach the entire oral cavity, including your gums and tongue. Amanprana mouth oil also provides fresh breath.

Why choose Amanprana mouth oil?

  • 100% organic ingredients
  • 100% natural
  • 100% active
  • 0% chemical additives
  • Suitable for oil pulling
  • Available in 2 flavors
  • Purifying effect and tastes great
  • Animal and environmentally friendly (no animal testing and 100% natural)
  • In glass packaging (better for the environment and preservation of quality)

How to use Amanprana mouth oil?

For healthy oral hygiene,

rinse and gargle daily with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of Amanprana mouth oil for 1 to 3 minutes. In the morning it is best to do this immediately after getting up, before or after brushing your teeth and before breakfast. In the evening you do this before or after

brushing your teeth. For oil pulling after Ayurvedic use:

rinse monthly for 20 to 30 minutes with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of Amanprana mouth oil. With a cure you can do this

daily.Let the Amanprana mouth oil pass through your mouth so that it ends up in all places. In this way, the mouth oil mixes with your saliva. Then spit out the oil, never swallow it. Preferably do not do this in your sink, but in the garbage bin, to prevent clogged pipes.

What is the difference between mouth oil and mouthwash?

Amanprana mouth oil is 100% natural and organic. All ingredients have an antibacterial effect and safely guarantee pure oral hygiene. Common mouthwashes often contain chemical additives that are unnatural for our body.

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View our range of mouth oil

Mouth oil Foeniculum

  • Fresh fennel flavor
  • 100% organic ingredients
  • 100% natural
  • 100% active
  • 0% chemical

Oil mix with plant and herbal extracts: 49% olive oil xb, 40% hemp oil xb, 9% coconut oil xbF, 2% Foeniculum oil (cinnamon takSb, cloveSb, fennelSb, oreganoSb), cinnamon bark. X = extra virgin oil, S = essential oil, b = BIO (BE-BIO-02), F = Fairtrade. THC free (less than 10mg / kg).

EAN code: 5425013645447 (200ml)

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€ 34,50 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended suggested retail price

Mouth oil Menta

  • Munt flavor
  • 100% organic ingredients
  • 100% natural
  • 100% active
  • 0% chemical

Oil blend with plant and herbal extracts: 49% olive oil xb, 40% hemp oil xb, 9% coconut oil xbF, 2% Menta oil (spearmint SB, cinnamon branch SB, clove SB, oregano SB, cinnamon bark SB). X = extra virgin oil, S = essential oil, B = Bio (BE-BIO-02), F = Fairtrade. THC free (less than 10mg / kg)

EAN code: 5425013645423 (200ml)

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€ 34,50 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended suggested retail price

A selection from our range

Our products are organic, vegetarian, processed as little as possible and where possible fair trade and fair world. Manufactured with respect for people, animals and the earth. At Amanprana, we believe in the whole and not in the individual particles.

Sustainable packaging from Amanprana

Violet glass protects the precious oil. Sunlight consists of visible light (rainbow spectrum) and invisible light (ultraviolet UV-A and infrared). In visible light, essential oils lose their fragrance and healing properties. The invisible light, on the other hand, preserves and activates oil molecules. Violet glass offers the solution: it lets invisible light through and completely blocks visible light. Brown glass and plastic cannot do that. Violet glass is better for the quality, taste and smell. Better for your health, beauty and wellness.

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Inspiration Oil pulling with mouth oil

Purify your body and cleanse your mouth with mouth oil after 2000 years old Ayurvedic practice.

Oil pulling: tradition cleanses your body.

Amanprana sets the bar high when it comes to high quality ingredients.
Amanprana goes for quality! Read more about our organic certificates.

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